新关注 > 信息聚合 > 衡水二中社会实践小分队走近全国人大代表王文忠


Hengshui No.2 Middle school social practice squad approached the National People's Congress Wang Wenzhong

2015-03-18 16:54:37来源: 长城网

王文忠与二中学生座谈。闫楠 摄 学生与王文忠深入交流。闫楠 摄 长城网衡水3月18日电(陈国瑞 耿辉 记者 刘朋朋)全国“两会”刚刚结束,17日,衡水二中“中国梦·家乡情”学生社会实践小分队...

Wang Wenzhong and 2 students forum. Photo by Yan Nan and Wang Wenzhong in-depth exchange of students. Photo by Yan Nan the Great Wall of Hengshui on 18 March, (Chen Guorui Geng Hui reporter Liu Pengpeng) national "NPC and CPPCC" has just ended, 17, Hengshui II "China dream, his love of students" social practice squad...