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李雪健做客《易时间》 笑谈正当年的六十岁

Li Xuejian guest "easy time" joke Zheng Dangnian sixty

2015-08-17 01:01:43来源: 中国青年网

李雪健 腾讯娱乐讯 从鞠躬尽瘁的人民公仆焦裕禄,到义薄云天的及时雨宋江,做演员的四十年时间里,李雪健用自己精湛的演技,成就了众多银幕经典形象。在观众眼中,李雪健就是一个外表朴实,演技超群的好演员...

Xuejian Tencent Entertainment News from Jiao spared no efforts in the public servants of the people, once upon a time in America to the timely rain, do actor forty years, Li Xuejian with their superb acting, the numerous screen classic image. In the eyes of the audience, Li Xuejian is a simple appearance, supreme good actor...