新关注 > 信息聚合 > 哥伦比亚主帅:法尔考和夸德拉多将在切尔西获得..


Colombia Coach: Falcao and cuadrado will be at Chelsea for..

2015-06-17 17:14:27来源: 华体网

切尔西即将签下摩纳哥前锋法尔考,外界并不看好这笔转会,但哥伦比亚国家队主教练佩克尔曼认为法尔考和夸德拉多将在英超互相帮助,取得成功。 在主帅穆里尼奥的强烈要求下,切尔西已经运作法尔考的转会一段时...

Chelsea will sign Monaco striker Falcao, outsiders are not optimistic about the deal, but the Colombian national team coach Jose Pekerman think Falcao and cuadrado will in the Premier League help each other, to succeed. At the urging of the coach Mourinho, Chelsea has been in operation for a period of time Falcao transfer...