新关注 > 信息聚合 > 刘乔安援交成瘾 被曝与光头男到汽车旅馆开房

刘乔安援交成瘾 被曝与光头男到汽车旅馆开房

Liu Qiaoan police addiction was traced and bald men to Autolodge room

2015-04-23 07:59:11来源: 中国青年网

台“反服贸女王”刘乔安被爆援交成瘾 据台湾媒体报道,“反服贸女王”刘乔安负面新闻不断,还被踢爆是高档援交妹,让她数度在媒体面前大哭。最新消息是,刘乔安又被媒体拍到进入汽车旅馆;参加朋友生日趴过后...

"anti mast Queen" Liu Qiaoan has been blasting the police addiction according to Taiwan media reports, "anti mast Queen" Liu Qiaoan negative news constantly, it was revealed to high-end customers, let her cry several times in front of the media. The latest news is, Liu Qiaoan was photographed by the media into the Autolodge in friends birthday party after...