新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全国300名高校社团会长齐聚武汉 与创业大咖探讨..

全国300名高校社团会长齐聚武汉 与创业大咖探讨..

The 300 college society president gathered in Wuhan and big business coffee on..

2015-08-23 18:24:03来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(记者李柯 实习生李世亚)8月23日,在第二届全国高校社团会长论坛上,来自全国各地高校的300名社团会长与创业大咖共同探讨创业经。 “近年来,中国掀起了一股大学生创业潮,不仅校园创业氛...

Jingchu net news (reporter Li Ke Shi Ya Li Intern) August 23, in the second session of the national associations of university president forum, from colleges and universities across the country the 300 club president and big business coffee to jointly explore the entrepreneurial. "In recent years, China launched a wave of entrepreneurship tide, not only the campus entrepreneurial atmosphere...