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杨阳洋秒变小型男 模特步帅呆(组图)

Yang Yangyang second small step handsome male models (Photos)

2015-01-10 16:02:32来源: 广西新闻网

搜狐娱乐讯 1月9日晚,杨威在其微博上晒出一组杨阳洋穿着风衣、靴子、头挂墨镜的酷照,几日不见,杨阳洋小朋友已化身型男走上模特步,网友笑言:狂拽酷炫叼炸天!

Sohu Entertainment News in late January 9th, Yang Wei sun a set of Yang Yangyang wearing a trench coat, boots, head hanging Sunglasses cool photos in the micro-blog, not a few days, Yang Yangyang children has been the embodiment of metrosexual man walk step-by-step model, net friend joked: Crazy pull cool mouth fried day!