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Cdel are frequently trying to do?

2015-07-11 05:26:33来源: 和讯网

2015年6月底,“郑州财经学院正保会计学院”揭牌仪式在郑州财经学院举行,据悉这是正保远程教育(以下简称正保)与高校共建的国内首家校内二级学院。 同月初,一个名为“在线学习修满学分即可获会计专科...

2015 years by the end of June, "Zhengzhou Institute of Finance and economics is the school of accounting," the opening ceremony in Zhengzhou Institute of Finance and economics held, it was learned Cdel (hereinafter referred to as Shouhou) and colleges and universities to build the first domestic school secondary school. Early in the same month, a name for the online learning to repair full credits to be accounting specialist...