新关注 > 信息聚合 > NBA漫画:马刺接连战胜劲敌 波帅露出狐狸尾巴

NBA漫画:马刺接连战胜劲敌 波帅露出狐狸尾巴

NBA Comics: spurs series victory over rival Popovich exposed fox's tail

2015-04-09 14:24:14来源: 搜狐

北京时间4月9日,NBA常规赛继续进行,在备受瞩目的德州内战当中,火箭客场对阵传统强队马刺。虽然火箭在首节占尽优势取得领先,但是马刺老辣的团队攻防最终还是以110-98击败火箭。 火箭球星哈登2...

Beijing time on April 9th, the NBA regular season continues, in the highly anticipated Dezhou civil war, rockets away against traditional teams spurs. Although the rocket advantage in the first quarter lead, but the team attack sophistication Spurs beat the Rockets finally by 110-98. The Rockets star Harden 2...