新关注 > 信息聚合 > 楚秉杰的故事:粉丝成女友 比赛输了“惩罚”自己

楚秉杰的故事:粉丝成女友 比赛输了“惩罚”自己

Chubing Jie story: fans into his girlfriend lost the game "punish" themselves

2016-01-30 00:46:13来源: 新浪

楚秉杰 新浪体育讯 北京时间1月29日,2016年CBSA中式台球中国精英赛正赛在银川展开第三日比赛角逐。在男子组半决赛中,楚秉杰以15比11战胜孟钒雨,晋级决赛。赛后,在接受新浪体育专访时,楚...

Chubing Jie Ticker January 29, 2016, CBSA Chinese snooker China Classic race in Yinchuan Expand the third day of competition to compete. In the men's semi-finals, 15 to 11 victory over Chubing Jie Meng vanadium rain, the final cut. After the game, in an interview with Sina sports interview, Chu ...