新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谢霆锋现身校园引围观 女粉丝爬楼看偶像太疯狂

谢霆锋现身校园引围观 女粉丝爬楼看偶像太疯狂

Nicholas Tse appeared in the campus crowd of female fans see idols up crazy

2015-04-17 17:58:11来源: 中国青年网

谢霆锋现身引围观 一女粉丝爬楼抢镜 4月17日,有网友晒出一组谢霆锋现身北体的照片,除了本身就很惹眼的谢天王本人,一众粉丝的举动更是抢镜。 网友配文称:“谢霆锋李治廷来北体大了。大家都疯了,女生进男生寝室的,骑脖子爬楼上树的,醉了。” 一众网友纷纷附和:“根本淡定不下来”“...

Nicholas Tse appeared cited onlookers a female fans up to steal the spotlight in April 17th, a group of friends sun Nicholas Tse coming out of Beijing photos, in addition to itself is very eye-catching, the king himself, all the fans move is to steal the spotlight. Users with the text said: "Nicholas Tse Aarif Lee to BSU. You are crazy, the girls into boys bedroom upstairs, riding on the neck of the tree, drunk." Many netizens agreed: "there is calm down""...