新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在线公开课Coursera:面向继续教育人群


Online open classes Coursera: continuing education for people

2014-05-05 21:08:50来源: 新浪

Coursera联合创始人吴恩达 新浪科技讯 5月5日中午消息,全球移动互联网大会GMIC2014今日上午在北京国家会议中心举行。本届大会以“下一个50亿”为主题,分为北京、东京、新德里和硅谷四站,预计全球超15000人聚首参会。 Coursera联合创始人吴恩达在会上介绍了Co...

Coursera co-founder Wu Enda Sina Technology News May 5 noon news, GMIC2014 Global Mobile Internet Conference held in Beijing this morning, the National Convention Center. This conference to the "next five billion" as the theme, divided into Beijing, Tokyo, New Delhi and Silicon Valley four stations, 15,000 people are expected to gather over the world participating. Coursera co-founder Enda Wu briefed the meeting on Co ...