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共享发展成果 创造美好生活

Sharing the fruits of development to create a better life

2016-01-28 04:58:43来源: 浙江在线

浙江在线01月28日讯 “确保实现已经确定的‘四翻番’目标,高水平全面建成小康社会。”“使浙江综合实力更强、城乡区域更协调、生态环境更优美、人民生活更幸福、治理体系更完善。”政府工作报告中提出的“十...

Zhejiang Online January 28 hearing "to ensure the identified 'four double' goal, a high level of building a moderately prosperous society." "Comprehensive strength in Zhejiang stronger, more coordinated urban and rural areas more beautiful ecological environment, people's lives happier, governance system better. "government work report presented" ten ...