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复仇者集结! 《梦塔防》武将生存研究调查

Avengers assembled! "Dream tower defense" generals survival investigation

2015-05-25 16:39:15来源: 天极网

青出于蓝胜于蓝,长江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上。游戏总要出新,武将总要出新人,所以前浪总要死在沙滩上,这一现象在《梦塔防》的大路上也不断上演,所以一批复仇者正在集结,《梦塔防》三国武将生存研究调查,复仇者集结吧! 梦塔防赵云 复仇者一号:赵云 复仇理由:妈,你为何这样对我! ...

student surpasses the teacher, after the Yangtze River waves pushed forward waves, the waves die on the beach. Game always new, the generals to a new, so waves, the total die on the beach, this phenomenon in defense in the dream of the road also continue to unfold, so a group of Avengers are gathering, "dream tower defense" three generals of the survival study survey, Avengers assembled it! Mota anti Zhao revenge a number: Zhao revenge reasons: Mom, why are you to me!