新关注 > 信息聚合 > 商务便携投影 爱普生C26XE仅售3199元

商务便携投影 爱普生C26XE仅售3199元

Business portable projector Epson C26XE Jinshou 3199 yuan

2015-05-05 14:25:23来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline上海站行情】爱普生 EB-C26XE投影机是一款中小型商务演示设备,小巧美观,可清晰投影100英寸的大画面,该机支持水平和垂直梯形校正功能,可对投影画面四解调节,快速调整投影画面至...

[pconline Shanghai station market Epson projector EB-C26XE is a small and medium business presentation equipment, compact appearance, clear projection 100 inch big screen, this machine support level and vertical trapezoidal correction function, on the projection screen four solutions of regulation, rapid adjustment of the projection screen to...