新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中小企业适用 联想扬天M41高配盛夏特价

中小企业适用 联想扬天M41高配盛夏特价

Small and medium-sized enterprises for Lenovo Yangtian M41 high summer special

2015-06-23 12:07:22来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】对于久坐办公室的商务人士来说,在选购笔记本电脑很少会考虑过于花哨的类型。专注消费级市场的商务笔记本易被人熟知,正如我们今天要谈的扬天。扬天系列笔记本产品是联想旗下特色非常鲜明的产...

] [IT168 information for business people in sedentary office, in the purchase of notebook computer rarely consider the type of fancy too. Focus on the consumer market business notebook easy to be known, as we want to talk about today yangtian. Yangtian series notebook products are very distinctive features of Lenovo's production...