新关注 > 信息聚合 > 福安药业料去年净利6200万至6900万


Mastery in pharmaceutical industry is expected to net profit last year from 62 million to 69 million

2016-01-27 12:07:38来源: 东方财富网

【福安药业料去年净利6200万至6900万】福安药业(300194)周二晚间发布业绩预告,公司预计2015年实现净利润6200万元至6900万元,同比增长35.65%至50.96%。 福安药业(3...

[fook on pharmaceutical expected net profit last year from 62 million to 69 million] mastery in pharmaceutical industry (300194) on Tuesday evening earnings forecast, the company expects 2015 net profit of 62 million yuan to 69 million yuan, an increase of 35.65% to 50.96%. Mastery in pharmaceutical industry (3...