新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新华网评:该如何对待食品中的反式脂肪?


Xinhua comment: how to treat food trans fats?

2015-06-21 10:45:25来源: 环球网

刘鹏 近日,美国食品和药物管理局宣布,将在3年内禁止在食品中使用人造反式脂肪。对此,我国相关营养专家介绍,反式脂肪对人体健康有威胁,建议越少摄入越好。但我国居民反式脂肪摄入量目前远低世卫建议值,...

, Liu Peng, recently, the U. S. Food and Drug Administration announced that in three years banned in food use of artificial trans fats. In this regard, China's relevant nutrition experts, trans fats on human health is a threat, the less recommended the better. But the anti fat intake of residents in China is far from the low,...