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成龙反悔不裸捐 揭秘成龙有多少钱怎么挣的

Jackie Chan did not go naked donate Jackie Chan revealed how much money the

2015-04-05 11:58:06来源: 新华报业网

成龙为子剃发(资料图) 据台湾媒体报道,成龙因为儿子房祖名涉毒而心烦不已,但房祖名出狱后变乖、悔过,反倒让父子关系更好,也让成龙对于财产的心态也有所改变! 媒体报道,身家超过台币98亿台币(...

Jackie Chan son tonsure (data plan) according to Taiwan media reports, Jackie Chan as the son of Jaycee Chan drug-related upset, but Jaycee Chan was released from prison after the chastened, repentance, but let the father son relationship better, let Jackie Chan for property is coming change! Media reports, worth more than NT $9800000000 (nt...