新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不会加点?男散打第三赛季PK加点及技能解析


Will not add a little? Male Sanda third season PK and analytical skills

2015-12-18 22:32:45来源: 游久网

导读这里我分享一下我的pk加点,以及对各个技能的理解。 先上加点图,以下是我个人的pk加点 以下是pk的一个加点模版可以查看我对技能的解析后根据自己喜好选择技能加点

here I share my PK with, and understanding of various skills. First add a little picture, the following is my personal PK add a little point is a plus a little PK can check the skills of my analysis, according to their preferences to select skills