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登录次世代 《侠客风云传》PS4版将制作

Login next generation biography of Knight Fengyun PS4 will make

2015-07-01 06:29:01来源: 中关村在线

《侠客风云传》是河洛工作室最新制作的角色扮演游戏,游戏PC版本即将会在2015年7月28日和广大玩家正式见面,今天,官方通过微博正式宣布,PS4版本制作即将开始。 相对于移植Xbox One系统...

biography of Knight situation is Heluo studio latest production of role-playing games. A PC version of the game will be in July 2015 28 and the majority of players officially meet. Today, through the microblogging official officially announced, PS4 version making is about to begin. Relative to the One Xbox system...

标签: PS PS4