新关注 > 信息聚合 > 陇南市居家养老服务中心和网络平台启动运行


Longnan City, home-based care services center and network platform to start running

2015-03-16 15:16:53来源: 中国甘肃网

原标题:我市居家养老服务中心和网络平台启动运行 中国甘肃网3月16日讯 据陇南日报报道(记者 杨小艾) 3月14日,我市居家养老服务中心揭牌暨网络平台启动仪式在武都举行。市委常委、政法委书记杨秋红...

original title: the city of home-based care services center and network platform to start running Chinese Gansu network March 16th news according to the Longnan Daily reported (reporter Yang Xiaoai) in March 14th, the our city centre for home-based care services and network platform to start the ceremony held in Wudu. Secretary of municipal Party Committee Standing Committee, politics and Law Committee Yang Qiuhong...