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开篇提保命 国宝佛欢个人终极修炼宝典

The opening provided life insurance treasure Buddha Huan personal ultimate practice book

2015-09-05 21:41:18来源: 多玩游戏

首先,先上我的阵灵! 至于为何不走极限躲闪,一则成本太高,没有九阶鬼厉你走什么极限躲闪;二则极限躲闪得放弃掉的三御太多,这个击杀的版本,你的御太低,连同细节魔合欢也能轻松击穿你的祈福!而这个阵灵...

first, first on my spirit array! As to why not go extreme Dodge, a cost is too high, not a ninth order my you go any limits to dodge; second limit dodge it too give out three Royal too much, the hit version of the kill, your imperial too low, together with details of the magic can easily penetrate your blessing! And this spirit...