新关注 > 信息聚合 > 制造业寒冬 企业转型热追大数据

制造业寒冬 企业转型热追大数据

Manufacturing enterprise of industry cold winter transition in hot pursuit of big data

2015-09-19 04:25:11来源: 和讯网

实际上,从产品生产、企业运营、物流运输再到精准营销,大数据似乎可以从各个方面参与,并且改变制造业的发展现状。而在风险与机遇并存的转型过程中,制造业企业必将遭遇众多的技术困难与理念障碍。 如何顺利...

actually, from production and business operations, logistics and transport to precision marketing, big data seem to can from all aspects involved in, and changing the manufacturing industry development present situation. In the transformation process of risk and opportunity, manufacturing enterprises will encounter many technical difficulties and obstacles. How smooth...

标签: 大数据