新关注 > 信息聚合 > 坐骑全副武装 创世神话灵甲系统前瞻

坐骑全副武装 创世神话灵甲系统前瞻

Mount armed creation myth spirit a system of prospective

2014-09-25 18:28:54来源: 新浪

创世神话 CGWR 得分 CGWR:543 位 CGWR介绍 3D定制化PK网游《创世神话》全新版本隆重上线!灵甲系统终揭开神秘面纱,坐骑全副武装起来!兽盔鞍具缰绳统统可装备,灵甲属性值大暴涨,拥有越多坐骑,开放灵甲装备部位越多,灵甲等级上限越高。灵甲品相来助力,用妖灵丹聚灵增加...

creation myth CGWR score of CGWR:543 bit CGWR 3D introduced customized PK net swims "creation myth" the new version of the grand line! Spirit armor system end of a mysterious veil, heavily armed horse! The beast saddle bridle helmet all equipment, Ling a property value high inflation, have more mounts, more open spirit armor equipment parts, a higher spiritual level cap. Spirit armor products compared to power, with demon panacea poly Ling increase...