新关注 > 信息聚合 > 夏天常见的宝宝湿疹提前发威 家长该怎么护理?

夏天常见的宝宝湿疹提前发威 家长该怎么护理?

The usual summer baby eczema ahead of angry parents how to care?

2015-04-14 23:58:11来源: 大河网

昨日,重医儿童医院皮肤科,家长带着孩子等待看病。 春季到来过敏源多,医生提醒家长注意孩子的皮肤湿疹 本该在夏天扎堆出现的湿疹日程提前了—这个清明节,重庆的天气像坐过山车,医院湿疹患儿也一下子多了...

yesterday, heavy medical children's Hospital Department of Dermatology, parents take their children to wait for the doctor. The arrival of spring allergy source, doctors advise parents to pay attention to the child's skin eczema should appear in the summer at the eczema is ahead of schedule, the Ching Ming Festival, the weather in Chongqing is like a roller coaster, hospital eczema were also once more...