新关注 > 信息聚合 > Twitter拟推出新功能 为非注册用户提供内容

Twitter拟推出新功能 为非注册用户提供内容

Twitter plans to launch a new function for non registered users with content

2015-06-19 12:36:44来源: 新浪

新浪科技讯 北京时间6月19日上午消息,据彭博社报道,Twitter正在开发一个名为“闪电项目”(Project Lightning)的新功能,可围绕直播活动组织各种内容。 据报道,“闪电项目”类似设有多个频道的新闻客户端,将利用人工编辑和电脑算法混合的方式提供内容。无论用户是否拥有...

sina science and technology news Beijing time on June 19 morning news, according to Bloomberg, Twitter is developing a new feature called "lightning" (project lightning) project, around live events to organize all kinds of content. According to the report, the lightning project is similar to the news client with multiple channels, will use the manual editing and computer algorithms to provide a mixed way. Regardless of whether the user has...