新关注 > 信息聚合 > 专访足协裁判主任刘虎:中国足球环境触动了我


In an interview with the director of football referees Liu Hu: Chinese touched my football director

2015-05-07 23:16:36来源: 新浪

中国足协裁判办公室主任刘虎 新华网北京5月7日体育专电(记者公兵 马勇)2014年12月30日,中国足协发布声明说,聘请原加拿大足协裁判办公室主任刘虎担任中国足协裁判办公室主任。 乍一提起刘...

Football Association referee Liu Hu Chinese Sina office xinhuanet.com Beijing May 7th sports news (reporter Gong Bing Ma Yong) in December 30, 2014, Chinese Football Association said in a statement, the former director of the Canadian Football Association referee office hired Liu Hu served as director of office China football referee. At the mention of liu...