新关注 > 信息聚合 > 扔再高也给扇出去!以前这样羞辱对手的是姚明


Threw it high to fan out! Before this humiliation opponent is Yao Ming

2015-09-28 22:08:26来源: 新浪

新浪体育讯 北京时间9月28日,周琦在中国队90-72战胜黎巴嫩的比赛中继续着自己的稳定发挥,拿到10分5个篮板2助攻的同时,送出了4次盖帽。逐渐适应了洲际大赛节奏的周琦开始展示自己的盖帽功力,他也...

sina sports news Beijing time on September 28, Zhouqi play in the Chinese team 90-72 win over the Lebanon continued their steady, get 10 points and five rebounds and 2 assists, sent four cap. Gradually adapt to the rhythm of the intercontinental competition Zhou Qi began to show his skill cap, he...