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《好莱坞报道》中文网上线 与腾讯达成战略合作

"Hollywood reporter" Chinese online line with Tencent reached a strategic cooperation

2015-04-01 00:38:26来源: 中国青年网

《好莱坞报道》中文网上线 腾讯娱乐讯 4月1日,腾讯娱乐&视频与美国权威媒体《好莱坞报道》(The Hollywood Reporter,简称THR)正式达成大中华地区独家合作。从今天起,你将在...

"Hollywood reporter" Chinese online Tencent entertainment news on April 1st, Tencent Entertainment & video and American authoritative media reports "Hollywood" (The Hollywood Reporter, referred to as THR) to reach a greater China area sole cooperation is type. Starting today, you will be...

标签: 腾讯