新关注 > 信息聚合 > 海口观澜湖成国际名片


Mission Hills Haikou into an international business card

2014-12-12 07:35:38来源: 中国青年网

观澜湖新城实景图。 22年前,观澜湖集团拿下在深圳与东莞交界处的荒岭,成功打造了汇聚五大洲风格、拥有12个国际级球场的世界级高尔夫球会。2007年,观澜湖集团跨越琼州海峡,在万年火山岩遗址上建立...

Guanlan Lake City real map. 22 years ago, Mission Hills Group won in Shenzhen and Dongguan at the junction of Huangling, successfully created a convergence of five continents style, with 12 world-class golf courses of the world class golf club. In 2007, Mission Hills Group across the Qiongzhou Strait, established in million years volcano rock site...