新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015新疆农业大学招聘辅导员岗位1、3补录公示


2015 Xinjiang Agricultural University Recruitment counselor positions 1, 3

2015-09-07 19:03:14来源: 中公教育网

新疆农业大学2015年面向社会公开招聘辅导员1的岗位名额共有8个、辅导员岗位3的岗位名额共有4个。 因报考辅导员岗位1的拟录用考生郭乐(男,汉族,1988年1月出生,硕士研究生学历,综合成绩73....

Xinjiang Agricultural University 2015 oriented society to recruit instructor 1 of post quota a total of eight, counselor 3 post ended a total of four. As an examination of the position of counselors 1 candidates Guo Le (male, Han nationality, born in January 1988, master's degree, comprehensive score 73...