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东风大道高架明日贯通 7月底通车全程无红绿灯

Dongfeng Avenue elevated tomorrow through 7 opened to traffic by the end of the entire traffic lights

2015-06-29 06:53:42来源: 长江网

长江日报(记者韩玮 通讯员黄继惠)明日,与武汉三环线、四环线相连的东风大道高架一期实现主体结构贯通,7月底将实现通车,届时从二环线龙阳大道经东风大道直插“车都”腹地,全程高架无红绿灯。明年待二期建成...

Changjiang Daily (reporter Hanwei correspondent Huang Jihui) tomorrow, with Wuhan Sanhuan, city of Victoria line connected to the Dongfeng Avenue elevated a period to achieve through the main structure, by the end of July will be open to traffic, when from the second line to the Longyang Road by Dongfeng Avenue in line "car" hinterland, the entire elevated no traffic lights. Next year to be built two...