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飞轮设计大赞 阿里YunOS概念机亮相京城

The design of flywheel praising Ali YunOS concept machine unveiled in Beijing

2015-03-17 18:19:11来源: 天极网

在今年德国iF设计大奖中曝光的阿里云OS概念手机吗?在今日的阿里媒体沟通会中,这款手机终于亮相在记者们的眼前。细长超薄的机身,加上圆圆的指纹识别,小编不禁要对这款手机说一声“美死了!” 仅为7.2...

exposure in the German iF design award this year, Ali cloud OS mobile phone? Ali communication media today, the mobile phone has finally appeared in front of reporters. Slender thin body, with a round of fingerprint recognition, small series can not help but on the mobile phone to say "beautiful death!" was only 7.2...