新关注 > 信息聚合 > 顶级i7配GTX850M 神舟战神K650D报5199元

顶级i7配GTX850M 神舟战神K650D报5199元

Top i7 with gtx850m Shenzhou ares K650D newspaper 5199 yuan

2015-03-31 20:59:39来源: 太平洋电脑网

【PConline重庆站行情】神舟公司的产品一直以性价比高而著称,尽管价格相比同等级的产品要低一些,但是在配置上却不输给任何竞争对手,战神K650D-i7 D2在外观方面采用了硬朗阳刚风格,搭配暗灰...

[pconline Chongqing station market] the Shenzhou company's products has been with high performance to price ratio is known, although prices compared to the same level of the products to be lower, but in the configuration but don't lose to any competitor, Ares K650D-i7 D2 in appearance by the hale and hearty masculine style and dark gray collocation.