新关注 > 信息聚合 > 三伏天喝什么汤好 一周养生汤推荐

三伏天喝什么汤好 一周养生汤推荐

Recommendations for the dog days, what kind of soup to drink a week health soup

2015-07-18 14:57:48来源: 慧聪网

【慧聪食品工业网】三伏天多喝汤可以补充水分,还能起到消暑防病的功效,那么三伏天喝什么汤好呢?小编推荐7款适合三伏天食用的汤水。 1、丝瓜豆腐鱼头汤 材料:丝瓜一斤,鲜鱼头一个,豆腐四块,生姜...

[Huicong food industry] dog days more soup can add moisture, but also to the summer heat and disease prevention effect, so the dog days of drinking what soup good? Editorial recommendation for 7 three days to eat soup. 1, material: loofah gourd tofu fish head soup a pound, a fresh fish, tofu four, ginger...