新关注 > 信息聚合 > 央视315:中移动铁通充当骚扰诈骗电话幕后推手


CCTV 315: Mobile Tietong as harassment of various bank fraud telephone behind

2015-03-16 16:08:58来源: 中国网

网上兜售的各种银行卡出售信息。视频截图 去年,显示10086的积分兑换短信,让很多人损失惨重。视频截图 谁是骚扰电话幕后推手? 3·15晚会爆料称,呼叫中心要群呼骚扰电话须利用运营商通道,运营商为“10086”等诈骗电话开绿灯 又到315,又有哪些大牌产品、大牌企业会被曝光...

online selling card sale information. Video screenshot shows last year, 10086 of the integral exchange messages, let many people suffered heavy losses. Video screenshot who is harassing phone behind the scenes? 3 / 15 party said, call center to the group call telephone harassment should use the operator channel, operators as the "10086" telephone fraud the green light to the 315, what are the major suit products, enterprises will be exposed major suit...