新关注 > 信息聚合 > 切尔西球迷强阻黑人上车 高喊种歧口号引发公愤

切尔西球迷强阻黑人上车 高喊种歧口号引发公愤

Chelsea fans chanted for strong resistance black car Qi slogan outrage over

2015-02-18 19:25:16来源: 网易

切尔西球迷在巴黎闯祸,一小撮激进分子在地铁站强行阻止一位黑人上车,并且还高喊种歧口号。 网易体育2月18日报道: 1-1,切尔西惊险地客场战平巴黎圣日耳曼。这是宝贵的一分,不过他们的球迷却给俱乐...

Chelsea fans in Paris in a handful of activists in the subway station, forced to stop a black car, shouting slogans and also for disambiguation. NetEase sports reported in February 18th: 1-1, Chelsea narrowly away draw with Paris Saint germain. This is a precious point, but their fans gave the club...