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O2o door, do well in the first service on welcome to the Nuggets lazy economy

2015-05-14 21:03:47来源: 新浪

欢迎关注“创事记”的微信订阅号:sinachuangshiji 文/王春龙 这是朋友亲身体验的真实故事:58到家最近有个懒人节特惠活动,5.8元每小时,朋友叫了两次3小时的服务。于是预约之后...

concern a antiquities "micro channel subscription number: sinachuangshiji / Wang Chun long this is friend to personally experience the true story: 58 home recently had a lazy day special activities, 5.8 yuan per hour, a friend told the two three hour service. So then make an appointment...