新关注 > 信息聚合 > [高考进行时]湖北高考数学试题太“刁” 引家长热..

[高考进行时]湖北高考数学试题太“刁” 引家长热..

Entrance [] Hubei college entrance mathematics examination too "sly" lead parents heat..

2015-06-08 23:28:14来源: 荆楚网

湖北高考数学试题太“刁”,引家长热议 守在考场外的家长们彼此间议论最多的,是数学试题过难、过偏 荆楚网消息(记者 安立 实习生 菅芮)6月7日,高考的二天,武汉天气开始放晴,但守在考场外的家长...

Hubei college entrance examination mathematics questions too "sly", lead parents hot debate outside the examination room parents keep each other between the most talked about is too difficult math test, partial Jingchu net news (reporter Li Intern) Jian Rui June 7, the college entrance examination the next day, the weather in Wuhan started to clear up, but keep outside the examination room of the parents.