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《蜀山战纪》播放量飘红 陈伟霆变“村花”

"Ji Shushan" play Chen Weiting weight gains across the board change "Village Flower"

2015-09-30 23:47:08来源: 中国青年网

中新网9月30日电 近日,由赵丽颖、陈伟霆、吴奇隆和叶祖新等主演的热血仙侠巨制《蜀山战纪》第一季,正在爱奇艺播出。剧中,赵丽颖由“温婉小媳妇”玉儿秒变“冷面杀手”玉无心,陈伟霆由“山中猎户”晋升“村花”。 《蜀山战纪》仅上线一周,播放量就突破亿次大关。剧中,女一号赵丽颖先饰演温婉可人...

new network on September 30 (Xinhua) recently, by Zhao Liying, William Chan, Wu and leaves Zuxin and starring blood Xian Xia blockbuster "Shushan," in the first quarter, is iqiyi broadcast. Drama, Zhao Liying by "moderate small daughter-in-law" jade seconds becomes cold killer jade mood, Chen Weiting by mountain "Orion" promotion "Village Flower". "The Shushan Chronicles" only a week on-line, playback volume to break million mark. The drama, the heroine Zhao Liying first played gentle keren...