新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虚拟现实头盔Virglass:十款射击类游戏推荐


Virtual reality helmet Virglass: Ten shooting game is recommended

2014-12-11 16:58:27来源: DoNews

还在使用普通的电脑玩3D游戏吗?还在一边对着电脑一边“滚键盘”吗?那你就弱爆了!一重新兴的游戏——虚拟现实游戏即将进入我们的生活。 据了解,Virglass 移动影院12月25日即将开启预售。该...

is still using ordinary computer to play 3D games? Is still on the side of the computer while the rolling keyboard?. It is understood that the Virglass mobile theater in December 25th is about to open the pre-sale. The...

标签: 游戏