新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水立方组织"APEC深度游" 市民可品尝APEC晚宴

水立方组织"APEC深度游" 市民可品尝APEC晚宴

The water cube organization "APEC depth Tour" people can taste the APEC dinner

2014-11-16 02:41:53来源: 千龙

原标题:下周市民可品尝APEC晚宴菜品 市民参观晚宴中领导人使用的餐具。京华时报记者王苡萱摄 15日下午,位于水立方内的APEC领导人合影台及欢迎晚宴会场首度向公众开放。水立方运营团队为记者...

original title: next week, people can taste the APEC dinner dishes to members of the public to visit during the dinner party leaders use tableware. JINGWAH Times reporter Wang Yixuan perturbation on the afternoon of 15, is located in inside, APEC leaders photo sets and welcome banquet hall is open to the public for the first time. The water cube operations team for journalists...