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沙尔克官方公布新主帅 德甲垫底队教练接手执教

Schalke official announced the new coach of the bottom of the Bundesliga team coach took over the coaching

2015-06-13 08:01:58来源: 网易

沙尔克官方宣布新主帅布赖滕赖特上任,他在2014-15赛季执教帕德博恩在德甲垫底。不过黑尔特经理依然对布赖滕赖特很看好,并表示他是合适的主帅人选,会给他足够的时间。 网易体育6月13日报道: 当...

Schalke, the officially announced the new coach Blay ten Wright office he in 2014-15 season coaching Paderborn in the bottom of the Bundesliga. But Heldt manager still on Blay ten Wright very optimistic, and said he was a suitable candidate for boss, will give him enough time. Netease sports June 13th reported: when...