新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英剧超级粉丝将最爱角色纹满妻子腿部


The English play super fans will be the most loving wife role lines full leg

2015-02-19 18:22:14来源: 东北网

【环球网综合报道】据英国《镜报》报道,英剧《加冕街》的一名超级粉丝将该剧中最喜爱的角色都纹在妻子的腿部。 来自加拿大的史蒂夫·皮尔斯(Steve Pearce)和妻子琳赛(Lindsay)是《加...

[global network comprehensive report] according to the British "mirror" reported, a super fan of English drama "Coronation Street" will be the play favorite roles were tattooed on his wife's legs. Steve Pierce from Canada (Steve Pearce) and his wife Lindsay (Lindsay) is the "add...