新关注 > 信息聚合 > 甬库两地英语教师开展教学研讨会


Ningbo library two English teachers carry out 26 PM teaching seminars

2015-11-02 23:29:03来源: 浙江在线

10月26日下午,在库车二中三楼会议室,宁波援疆英语教师陈亚红、叶芳勇与库车二中英语教师进行英语教学工作方面的交流与探讨。 英语因其语言的特殊性注定了英语教学的特殊性,同时也给在一个缺乏英语语言...

10 month. In the Kuqa II on the third floor conference room, Ningbo aid Xinjiang English teacher Chen Yahong, Ye Fangyong and Kuqa the second English teachers of communication in English teaching and discussion. Because of the special nature of English, English teaching is doomed to the special nature of English teaching, but also to a lack of English language...