新关注 > 信息聚合 > 孩子特制龙桨绿动鄱阳湖 宣传环保理念学习协作精..

孩子特制龙桨绿动鄱阳湖 宣传环保理念学习协作精..

The child is made dragon green move Poyang Lake to publicize environmental protection concept to study collaboration essence.

2016-04-22 22:51:41来源: 新浪

孩子介绍龙桨制作过程 新浪体育讯 4月22日,中华龙舟大赛(江西。鄱阳站)开赛前一天,迎来世界地球日。鄱阳县五一中心学校的孩子们来到鄱阳湖国家湿地公园,将自己“特制”的环保龙舟桨传递给龙舟队员,...

Children introduce the production process of sina sports news April 22nd, China dragon boat contest (Jiangxi. Poyang station) before the start of the day, ushered in the world earth day. Poyang County five one center school children came to the National Wetland Park in Poyang Lake, will be their own special green dragon boat paddle passed to the Dragon Boat team,...