新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第十六届全国大学生田径锦标赛参赛规模创新高


The Sixteenth National College Track and Field Championships competition scale innovation

2016-07-11 12:53:03来源: 中国新闻网

中新网石狮7月11日电 (记者 孙虹)由中国大学生体育协会、中国田径协会主办的第十六届全国大学生田径锦标赛,将于7月15日至20日在福建石狮举行。本届大赛吸引了包括港澳高校在内的全国190多所普通高等学校和体育院校报名,将有近2800名运动员、教练员参赛。 组委会透露,本届大赛将设甲...

In new network, Shishi, July 11 (reporter Sun Hong) sponsored by the Chinese Athletic Association and the Federation of university sports of China the 16th National Track and field championship of college students will be on July 15 to 20 in Fujian Shishi held. This contest attracted more than and 190 colleges and universities in the country, including Hong Kong and Macao, including the general higher education enrollment, there will be nearly 2800 athletes, coaches participating. The organizing committee revealed that the competition will be set up a...