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Fetal distress! Lumia850 more real machine according to the exposure

2016-07-13 15:56:08来源: 中关村在线

据国外媒体Windows Central报道,日前一组手机的真机图在互联网上流出,而这款手机正是之前被微软废掉的Lumia系列中端手机Lumia 850。一年前,著名爆料大神Evan Blass在推特上曝光了这款手机,随后有一系列零星消息从网上流出。直到微软最终取消了这款手机,他也没有在...

According to foreign media reports Windows Central, has a group of mobile phone real machine figure out on the Internet, and the phone is in the family of the company by Microsoft fail before the mobile phone the company 850. A year ago, the famous revealed a great god Evan Blass on twitter exposes the phone, then a series of sporadic news from the Internet. Until Microsoft eventually cancelled this phone, nor has he in...