新关注 > 信息聚合 > 臭水沟不见了 明年初重庆北碚龙滩子水库将变湿地..

臭水沟不见了 明年初重庆北碚龙滩子水库将变湿地..

Stinking ditch disappeared early next year, Chongqing Beibei Longtan Reservoir will become wetland..

2015-10-15 22:30:06来源: 华龙网

【摘要】 因城市管网基础设施建设不完善、截污不彻底等原因,重庆北碚龙滩子水库在多年前成了一条臭水沟。近两年,政府先后投资3400余万元,通过多项措施,让昔日的臭水沟变了样。改造工作预计将在明年初全部...

[Abstract for urban pipe network infrastructure is not perfect, interception is not complete and other reasons, Chongqing Beibei Longtan Reservoir in years ago into the a stinking ditch. In the past two years, the government has invested more than 3400 yuan, through a number of measures, so that the old days have changed the water. Reconstruction work is expected to be all at the beginning of next year...