新关注 > 信息聚合 > 索尼中国20周年庆 多款新品4月亮相

索尼中国20周年庆 多款新品4月亮相

Sony China 20th anniversary of the April number of new products unveiled

2016-04-01 06:41:45来源: 中国网

本报讯 (记者 胡科)日前,刚刚迎来20周年纪念的索尼中国在北京举办大型品牌活动“索尼魅力赏”。本次“索尼魅力赏”期间,索尼电视宣布多款重磅级4K产品也将在4月初上市。如拥有旗舰画质的75X9400D与超大尺寸的85英寸液晶电视X8500D,让你身处客厅也能享受大视野画面的震撼;第四代弧...

(Reporter Hu Branch) has just ushered in the 20th anniversary of Sony China held large-scale brand activities "Sony charm Award" in Beijing. The "Sony Rewards charm" period, Sony announced a variety of heavy-grade 4K TV products will also be available in early April. If the owner of the flagship quality 75X9400D and oversized 85-inch LCD TV X8500D, so that you're in the living room can also enjoy stunning wide-field picture; the fourth generation of arc ...

标签: 索尼